Friday, July 23, 2010

Ready to break the day with something nice? Watch Daybreakers!

Still mesmerized by The Cullens or by Edward from Eclipse movie?
I'm here to blog about more vampire sizzling movie!
I know its probably a movie you heard of some months back already.

Yes yes, it was released on 14 January 2010, so I won't blame you if you missed out
on that movie long time ago, and only heard of it now.

Its a short movie, so why not watch now to chill yourself out! Its only 98minutes of excitement to perk you up!

It blows your mind totally. The actions, adventures, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!

Apparently, the main lead vampire in this show is also named Edward.

Every living person is a vampire due to a pandemic disease that was spread across most of the world's human population.

Edward is a hematologist working on the blood substitute for the population bloodbank for his boss, Charles.

Though he is a vampire, Edward refuses to drink blood and led to a strained relationship with his brother, Frankie, who is a hunter.

Humans that refused to become one of them, either gets caught and is thrown to supply blood for the blood bank. The only humans alive are refugees on the run. There is also vampires who are known as hunters to hunt down humans for the bloodbank.

As the human population decreases and the vampire population never stopped decreasing due to immortality, they faced a shortage of blood supply.

The shortage of blood supply then led to deficiency on their bodies, causing them to become a "mutant" and deform into something else.
Soon, alot of the population is starting to face such problems.

One day, Edward accidentally met covert group of humans led by Audrey and helped them got away with the vampire cops.

Audrey then contacts Edward because of his human sympathies and scientific specialty.

He also met Elvis, who was cured in an accidental event. Edward then duplicated what Elvis had experienced and he turned back into a human too.

Frankie brother bit Elvis and they in turn found out that once a vampire bit on a cured human, they become a human themselves.

As much as they want everyone to be converted back into a human through this method, it seemed unlikely possible.....

Do you think they found any other methods to change the world back to what it was originally?
Ratings: 4/5!

Watch to find out!
So here's a trailer for you.


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